Published in
3 min readJul 27, 2023


Crypto Books: Mastering the Cryptocurrency Market

Over the last decade, cryptocurrencies have witnessed a remarkable rise in popularity, becoming an integral part of everyday life. The appeal of decentralized and secure financial systems has gained the trust of individuals seeking alternatives to traditional methods. Major businesses now accepting cryptocurrencies as payment, alongside the growth of decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms, has further accelerated their integration into daily transactions and investment opportunities.

With the growing popularity of cryptocurrency, it becomes increasingly important for everyone to educate themselves about this evolving financial landscape. While cryptocurrencies offer numerous benefits, they also come with inherent risks and complexities that require understanding. Proper education empowers people to make informed decisions, safeguard their assets, and navigate the volatile nature of the crypto market wisely.

In order to help you in expanding knowledge and gaining insights from experienced traders, we have prepared a list of books. These books can provide valuable resources for those who are looking to enhance their understanding of the crypto market.

“Mastering Bitcoin” by Andreas M. Antonopoulos

(the link to Amazon)

This book is a comprehensive guide to Bitcoin, covering both technical and non-technical aspects. It explores the underlying principles of Bitcoin and provides insights into the technology, mining, wallets, and security. It’s a great starting point for anyone looking to understand the fundamentals of cryptocurrency and its potential impact on the financial world. It has hundreds of 5-stars reviews which states that the book is a great start dealing with the Technology of Blockchain for a non coder but tech enthusiast.

“Programming Bitcoin: Learn How to Program Bitcoin from Scratch by Jimmy Song

(the link to Amazon)

Unlike the previous book, this one is written with a focus on Python programmers and developers. The book provides a hands-on approach to building a Bitcoin library from the ground up. Covering essential concepts like mathematics, blocks, network, and transactions, you’ll gain insight into the inner workings of this popular cryptocurrency and its blockchain payment system. You’ll learn to create transactions, interact with peers to obtain data, and transmit transactions over the network.

The book is very hands-on and it provides examples, exercises and solutions. As a result the book is a bit more practical and more didactical than ‘Mastering Bitcoin’ by Andreas Antonopoulos.

…not for the not-tech folks. It’s very technical, be warned.

“Cryptocurrency: How Bitcoin and Digital Money are Challenging the Global Economic Order” by Paul Vigna and Michael J. Casey

(the link to Amazon)

This book offers an in-depth exploration of the economic and social implications of cryptocurrencies. It delves into the history of money, the rise of Bitcoin, and the potential disruptions caused by digital currencies. It’s a thought-provoking read that discusses the broader context of cryptocurrencies beyond just trading.

No book is going to keep pace with current events I guess, but this is definitely worth reading if you are a relative newcomer to all things crypto… Particularly good on the problems they will solve, and why they are more than just an investing bubble.

“Trading in the Zone” by Mark Douglas

(the link to Amazon)

Although not specifically focused on crypto trading, this book is highly recommended for traders of all markets. It delves into the psychological aspects of trading, helping readers develop discipline, patience, and effective decision-making skills. It emphasizes the importance of mindset and risk management, which are crucial in crypto trading as well.

Although a lot is repeated, which can cause one or another nerves. But in the repetition lies that can and comprehend.

“The Intelligent Investor” by Benjamin Graham

(the link to Amazon)

While not specific to crypto trading, this timeless investment book by Benjamin Graham is widely acclaimed. It imparts fundamental principles of value investing, risk management, and market analysis. These principles can be applied to any investment venture, including crypto trading, enabling readers to develop a disciplined and rational approach.

He [Benjamin Graham] explains his thesis on case studies and develops strategies for specific stock market situations from his basic ideas.

These books offer a range of perspectives on crypto trading, covering technical, economic, psychological, and investment aspects. They provide readers with a solid foundation and practical insights to navigate the crypto market with more confidence.

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